Completed questionnaires can be brought to your doctor at Federal Way Naturopathy for review and treatment.
Do you struggle with gas and bloating, or have generalized itching, or a history of sugar cravings or mold exposure? If yes, please fill out the Candida Questionnaire to determine if you may have a systemic yeast problem.
Are you in a cycle of poor health, or wish to lose weight and are feeling stuck? Would you like to reset your system after a period (or lifetime) of poor eating?
If you are concerned that you suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, or are unsure of which is primary, please fill out the Dass questionnaire and return it to your doctor at FWN for scoring.
Do you struggle with gas and bloating, or have generalized itching, or a history of sugar cravings or mold exposure? If yes, please fill out the Candida Questionnaire to determine if you may have a systemic yeast problem.
Are you in a cycle of poor health, or wish to lose weight and are feeling stuck? Would you like to reset your system after a period (or lifetime) of poor eating?
If you are concerned that you suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, or are unsure of which is primary, please fill out the Dass questionnaire and return it to your doctor at FWN for scoring.
If you are a new patient, please call to get started.
If you are a current patient, schedule an appointment on your patient portal, or use your Spruce app to send us dates and times that work best for you.
900 S. 336 St.
Federal Way, WA 98003
Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Website By: Jacob Merrill